RPA to hold seminar on "Power Purchase Agreements under the Renewables Obligation" on 15 May 2003 |
17/04/2003 14:42:57 |
Selling into the electricity market can be a minefield even for the most experienced generators. There are many potential contract structures. Some of these have fixed all-inclusive prices, others a percentage share of the overall ROC price or of the buyout and the recycling value separately. There is a wide range of possible contract periods. The complexity of the market has resulted in the emergence of brokers to act on generators’ behalf to structure optimum deals. |
The Renewable Power Association is running a seminar entitled "Power Purchase Agreements under the Renewables Obligation" on 15 May 2003 at the Institution of Civil Engineers. It will offer guidance on how to get the best PPA and is aimed primarily at renewable generators and their customers - licensed electricity suppliers. It will also be of interest to those developing renewable energy projects and anyone wanting to find out more about the ROC market. |
The fee for attending will be £85 plus VAT (£55 plus VAT for RPA members). You can download a registration form and flyer at the link below. |
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