It is crunch-time for renewable energy technologies supported by the DTI Clearskies and solar photovoltaics (pv) capital grant programmes. The final deadlines for large-scale project applications under these programmes are 4th November and 2nd December 2005 respectively.
The industry must then await the outcome of the DTI's consultation on a new six year Low Carbon Buildings Programme (LCBP). Many uncertainties still surround the LCBP and these will not be resolved fully until next year. But what we do know is that the earliest possible funding round under the LCBP will be July 2006. This leaves a minimum gap of 8 months from the final Clearskies deadline. This gap could of course be far longer if the LCBP timetable continues to slip.
The commercial consequences of this stop-start approach to Government support are obvious. Investment decisions are on hold. Hard won jobs in the fledgling UK micro-renewables sector are now under serious threat. Business planning is impossible. Yet just one year ago, the DTI assured the industry that the LCBP was expected to take the place of existing programmes by March 2006.