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Glossary E to N
This glossary is reproduced from the RPA Renewables Yearbook 2004. If there are any terms that you cannot find below, . To order a hard copy of the RPA Renewables Yearbook 2004, contact Finn at the Office.

Glossary A - D
Glossary O - Z
EA The Environment Agency; The regulator for the environment, including rivers and waste disposal
[EA] Electricity Association; a trade association representing the ESI, which was disbanded in September 2003, its primary activities having been transferred to the AEP, and the new ENA and ERA
EEC Energy Efficiency Commitment whereby companies can be rewarded for obtaining agreed improvements in energy efficiency
EfW Energy from waste
EI The Energy Institute
Elexon The company that administers the Balancing and Settlement Code
Embedded generation See distributed generation
Embedded benefits Commercial benefits arising from generation connected to distribution networks, e.g. the avoidance of BSUoS, TNUoS, BSC charges, transmission losses and Residual Cashflow Reallocation
ENA Electricity Networks Association; trade association representing electricity and gas transmission and distribution network operators, formed following the disbanding of the EA
EPBD Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
EPSRC The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Energy efficiency The amount of useful output achieved for each unit of input energy. Energy efficiency can be improved by reducing wastage both in the equipment and its use
Energy mix The distribution of different energy sources within the total supply
ERA Electricity Retail Association; trade association representing suppliers formed following the disbanding of the EA
ERD European Renewables Directive
ESQCR Electricity Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002; The statutory instrument in relation to the distribution of electricity
ESI Electricity Supply Industry
EST The Energy Savings Trust; a Government organisation to promote energy efficiency to domestic, business, local government and trade sectors
ETG The Emissions Trading Group; a body advising the UK Government on the implementation of the EU ETS, and its inter-relationships with UK ETS, CCAs and other measures
ETSU The Energy Technology Support Unit formerly of the DTI, now the privatised Future Energy Solutions
EU ETS The Emissions Trading Scheme of the European Union, due to be introduced in the UK in about 2005
Externalities The external impacts associated with power generation, but not traditionally costed into the energy price
G(number) Engineering recommendation documents, published by ENA
Generation The energy output of a generating plant over a period of time
GEMA Gas and Electricity Markets Authority; regulatory part of Ofgem
GJ Gigajoule (one thousand MJ)
GO; GoO Guarantee of Origin
Greenhouse gases; GHG Gases whose emission contributes to climate change; The Kyoto Protocol identifies these as Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons and Sulphur hexafluoride
Green smear-back See buy-out fund recycling
GRC Gross Registered Capacity
Grid Code The code of practice, which covers all major technical aspects relating to connections to, and the operation and use of, the transmission system
GW; GW(e); GW(th); GWh Gigawatts, Gigawatt-hours electricity, Gigawatt-hours thermal
HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons
HMSO Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
ICW Industrial and Commercial Waste
IEMD Internal Electricity Market Directive
IFI Innovation Funding Incentive – a mechanism to encourage DNOs to invest in appropriate R&D activities
I Mech E The Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Intermittency The non-continuous nature of some forms of energy generation, e.g. wind power, solar, hydro, wave and tidal
ISG Implementation Steering Group for the Structure of Electricity Distribution Charges
J Joule
kJ Kilojoule (one thousand Joules)
Ktoe Thousand tonnes of oil equivalent
kVA One thousand volt-amps; similar to one kW
kW; kWh Kilowatts; kilowatt hours
LCPD Large Combustion Plant Directive
LEC (Climate change) Levy Exemption Certificate
LEG Licence Exempt Generator; an electricity generator too small (<100MW) to be required to hold a generation licence
Load factor See capacity factor
LZC Low and zero carbon (as applied to energy and energy conservation measures)
MJ Megajoule (one thousand kJ)
MO; MOA Meter Operator (Agent); responsible for installation, safety and maintenance of metering equipment on behalf of the electricity supplier/meter registrant
MPAN Metering Point Administration Number; The registration number of a metering point used in electricity settlement
MRA Master Registration Agreement; The multilateral framework agreement for the retail (SVA) level procedures of registration and transfer
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
Mtoe Million tonnes of oil equivalent
MW; MW(e); MW(th); MWh Megawatts
NAP National Allocation Plan for the level of emissions permitted under the EU ETS
NETA The New Electricity Trading Arrangements; introduced in March 2001 for England and Wales and governed by the BSC
NFFO Non Fossil Fuel Obligation (described in Section A2)
NFPA Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency; administers the NFFO contracts and auctions NFFO energy and ROCs
NFPAS Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency Scotland; administers the auction of SRO ROCs
NGT National Grid Transco; the GB Transmission System Operator for electricity and gas under BETTA
NIAER Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation; created on 1 April 2003 (see also Ofreg)
NIE Northern Ireland Electricity, part of the Veridian Group
NI-NFFO Northern Ireland NFFO
NOx Nitrous oxide and other oxides of nitrogen
NPPG National Planning Policy Guidance documents published by the Scottish Executive

Glossary A - D
Glossary O - Z

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